English (United Kingdom)

Segafredo select

Experience the best. A globally-inspired ‘5th wave’ cafe for modern coffee lovers.

Clean modern design and the latest in specialty coffee, delivered in a modular platform that can fit any location size and a wide F&B offer.

Enjoy world class favourites professionally delivered in a design-forward atmosphere. Relax into a single-origin flat white, or meet colleagues for an ‘aperitivo’, in this Italian inspired, but thoroughly global, modern cafe.

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Diventando affiliato Segafredo accederai immediatamente ai nostri servizi
  • Consulenza tecnica su ubicazione e pianificazione
  • Progettazione punto vendita e sviluppo del mix di vendita
  • Formazione del personale
  • Allestimento e lancio del punto vendita;
  • Merchandising, marketing e promozioni stagionali
  • Una  assistenza continua per garantire un costante miglioramento delle vendite.”


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Contattaci e scopri come diventare nostro partner.

Direttore Sviluppo Franchising: Flavio Sarzi Amadè
Tel: +39-335.667.1363
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Franchising Developer and Trainer: Sabrina Pastano
Tel: +39-340.369.7976
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.